As we come up on the holidays, we frequently hear about loss. There is something about the nostalgia that this time of year brings that we often turn our minds to years past which inevitably lead us to thoughts of loved ones ...
Hello Dear Listeners, In this episode Judy and I interview Ben Wain from Strolll. Strolll is a company based in the UK that creates software for augmented reality glasses. Glasses that have the potential to change everything...
"Ya got PD eh? There's an app for that now." StrivePD. What is it, who is it for and what makes it a stand out from all of the other apps in the Apple App Store. In this episode Judy and Travis talk with Hannah Timm from Rune...
In this episode Judy and Travis have the privilege of speaking with Mr. Jimmy Burns. Jimmy is an elementary school teacher turned standup comedian. Judy and I had a great time speaking to Jimmy & we think that you will enjoy ...
"He's only a superhero in the movies, sweetie." - Mom But what if I told you that while on stage the actor showed markedly reduced symptoms of Parkinson's? His voice normally reduced to an unintelligible near whisper now was ...